Unto The Breach (chorus Only)
3 voices
Kevin Harmony
Ken Harmony
Summer Solstice
Full Song
Hi Harmony
Low Harmony
From Ken’s New Album
Lament of the Combat Archer (note: this is not the same key as we perform it in)
Little Egypt (good drum part – a bit of a Bollywood type thing. Percussion will need tambourine)
- Little Egypt Interlude Mandos For Michele (occurs only in interlude and only in 2nd half)
- Lyrics and Chords sheet with mandolin notes (pdf)
Men of the Isles (A 2/2 bodhran or dumbek. Percussion: hand claps on chorus)
Soldier of God Newer Mix (drum is 3/4 bodhran)
The Ride of El Cid (Drum is 3/4 bodhran. Percussion during choruses involves castanet-type sound and hand-claps)
William Tell (drum is “four-on-the-floor” (FOTF) kick. Comes in on 1st verse after chorus – “In the valley”)
Robin Hood And the Beggar Knight (drum is “four-on-the-floor” (FOTF) kick. Comes in on 2nd verse – “Deep in Sherwood…”)
Dogs of War (Drum is periodic big single, double and triple hits for emotional accent in the last verse and chorus of the song)
- Dogs of War Strings 1 (starts at verse 4)
- Dogs of War Strings 2 (Starts at verse 6)
- Dogs of War Strings Notes (PDF)
The Dragon (Percussion is tambourine and hand-claps on intro and between choruses and its following verse)
Morte d’Arthur (3/4 drum. We’ve all done this one before)
Son of the Sea Tenor Harmony (First 2 notes are the same as the melody – “I’m the…”)
Son of the Sea Whistle and Fiddle (audio) This is the last part of the chorus so you can hear where the whistle comes in BETWEEN the chorus and next verse. What we did in practice was have you come in where the fiddle comes in on the recording, which is fine, since there is no fiddle in the live performance. then I left a bit of the next verse here so you could hear what the fiddle is doing during the verse and maybe do similar on whistle.
Band of Brothers Tenor Harmony (first line is same as melody – “We band of brothers…”)